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Privacy Policy

Last modified on April 29, 2024.

We handle all personal data with confidentiality and in compliance with the new European Union data protection regulation.

This data protection statement explains what kind of information we collect about our service-users, how we use this information and how the user can influence this. 

1. What personal data do we collect?

1.1. Data provided by the user, e.g.

1.2. Data received from the use of web services

2. How is this personal data used?

We use personal data only for predefined purposes:

With the users’ consent we collect their email addresses, enabling us to send news and information on our services and products.

We collect information on how our website is used, enabling us to improve and develop our services.

We collect data on website users, which enables us to show them targeted advertisement on products, services and offers that might interest them, using various communication channels.

We collect information on our website’s users, which enables us to improve our customer service. 

With users’ approval we collect data needed in order to offer or provide them Reto Oy’s services. 

3. Third parties

We use services from a few third parties. The parties are always carefully selected to ensure they also comply with EU data protection laws. The service may also include cookies from measurement and tracking services, advertising networks, or other third parties.

3.1. SpinupWP

This website’s hosting service is provided by SpinupWP. You can read more about SpinupWP’s terms here.

3.2. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to measure the use of our web services. Google Analytics may place cookies on the user’s device to collect data for example on website’s visitor numbers. This data can also be used for showing visitors advertisement that is likely to interest them. Cookie is a small text file the browser downloads to the user’s device. Cookies usually have an unnamed, user-specific identifier, that allows us to recognise and count the browsers visiting our website.
You can read our detailed cookie policy here.
More information on Google Analytics’ terms are found here.

3.3. Community plug-ins

Our web service uses community plug-ins, such as the Like or Share buttons for Facebook, X or Instagram. These community plug-in buttons are visible on our service, but their content comes directly from the button’s source. The community plug-in identifies a user as logged in to the service in question, allowing the site to show custom content on the plug-in. If the user is not logged in on the service in question, the community plug-in will not show custom content. Community plug-in services can collect data on the user’s visits in compliance with their privacy policy. The services in question do not cede the data collected to Reto Oy, unless they have a separate approval from the user.

4. How long is my data stored for?

The data collected is only stored for as long as necessary. 

5. How is my personal data protected?

We take all the necessary technical privacy measures to secure our users’ personal data. These measures are for instance the use of fire-walls, encryption techniques and safe physical collocations, appropriate access control, controlled access rights and access supervising, and guidance for the personnel involved in handling the personal data. We also take measures to ensure that all our subcontractors observe the EU data protection law. 

6. Links to other websites

We do not account for the privacy policies or contents of sites that are linked to our website and administered by external parties, nor do we account for their legitimacy or administration. In case you notice illegal or offensive content on websites linked by us, we appreciate any feedback.

7. How can I influence?

We are committed to offering our users choices and administrative options when it comes to privacy. 

7.1.  Direct marketing restriction 

The user has the right to forbid the use of their data for direct advertising, distance sales and other direct marketing by contacting us via email at

7.2. Data checking 

The user has the right to check any personal data collected on them. From the user’s request we can delete or complete any personal data that is inaccurate or outdated with respect to the aim of handling the personal data. The user can update and/or check their personal data by contacting us.

7.3. Blocking cookies

The user can clear all cookies saved on their browser from the browser’s settings. Blocking the use of cookies may affect the functionality of our services.

The register is controlled by Reto Oy. The user can at any time contact the controller.

Contact information and contact person: 

Reto Oy
Tommi Kylä-Kaila
Pihatörmä 1 A
02240 Espoo